All of us know that we need to start exercising more, eat healthier, and stop with our bad habits. But guess who else knows that too ... people who want your money! According to Fortune and Marketdata Enterprises, the U.S. weight loss market alone was valued at $64 billion in 2014. That's a lot of diet pills, work-out programs, and other things that unfortunately most of us probably didn't use to the fullest extent. Instead of handing over our hard-earned money, let's have our cake and … [Read more...] about How To Be More Healthy and Active Using These 23 Money Saving Tricks
21 Awesome Tricks for Saving More Money This Christmas
Christmas!! It's easily one of my favorite times of the year. Family-time, gifts, food, snow, ... what's not to like? ... oh yeah ... those thousands of extra dollars that somehow sneak their way into your bills if you're not careful. These days, everyone wants to cash-in on your Christmas joy and find new ways to charge you for that big day. However, it doesn't have to be like that at all. Here are 21 simple tricks you can use to spend less at Christmas, and focus on what's … [Read more...] about 21 Awesome Tricks for Saving More Money This Christmas
16 Ways to Save Money While Hosting Thanksgiving This Year
Thanksgiving can be a wonderful time of the year to get together with your family and friends. But it can also be a great deal of stress if you're the one stuck preparing the meal. According to Time, the average cost of being the host for Thanksgiving can equal out to $50. That's because in addition to the bird, you're also the one to provide the other trimmings as well as the drinks, desserts, etc. If you've got hosting duties this year, here are 16 tips you can use to keep your … [Read more...] about 16 Ways to Save Money While Hosting Thanksgiving This Year
27 Incredible Ways to Save More Money on Your Next Flight
As fun as a road trip can be, when you just want to "get there", flying is the only way to go! Back in the day, flying was a real treat! It was considered to be a luxury and people even dressed up for the occasion. But things are a little different today. For what you get, its ridiculously expensive! You'd think that for the hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars those tickets cost that you would get to sit in a seat that was bigger than something designed for a sixth-grader. Or maybe … [Read more...] about 27 Incredible Ways to Save More Money on Your Next Flight
15 Ways to Save Money on Your Banking Fees
Banks are funny places ... When you're young, you're taught that its a safe place to take your money and save it for a rainy day. But when you get older, you find out that a bank is just like any other business - they're there to make money off of you! Every time you walk in to one, you're bombarded by advertisements for new accounts, loans, and a bunch of other services that you probably would never normally use. Even if you don't go inside one, they want you to meet certain … [Read more...] about 15 Ways to Save Money on Your Banking Fees
How to Save Money on Video Games – 14 Tricks That Work!
Do you or your kids love video games? My son certainly does. And can I blame him? They're super fun! And with each new game console, they just get better and better. But the cost! Every time a new, exciting title comes out, it costs upwards of $60. I guess that’s why it’s no wonder that the gaming industry was estimated to be worth $91.5 US billion (as of 2015). BTW - This is more than double the revenue of the international film industry in 2013. But even still ... $60 per … [Read more...] about How to Save Money on Video Games – 14 Tricks That Work!
18 Simple Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Costs
In the olden days, they used to call cars "lady killers" for two reasons: 1) Because of how stylish and cool they looked, and 2) because of how many accidents they caused. Hence, this is why we all are required to carry auto insurance. You never know where and when something is going to happen to you out on the road. It could be your fault, or it could be the other guy's. Regardless, there will always be a price to paid at every accident. Like most forms of insurance, sometimes what … [Read more...] about 18 Simple Ways to Lower Your Auto Insurance Costs
9 Ways to Save Money on Back to School Shopping
It's July, and you walk into the store. What do you see? Aisles of notebooks, folders, pens, and backpacks. Yes, its that time again. Time to start thinking about going back to school! Whether that makes your child excited or sad, financially its a very significant time. According to the National Retail Federation, families spend an average of $688 on their children during this time. While that may be what the majority of people are spending, you don't have to be … [Read more...] about 9 Ways to Save Money on Back to School Shopping